The Panafrican Food Debate
Algiers Edition
From October 29 to 31, 2024
On the occasion of World Food Day, the FAO gave an orientation for the year 2022 which constitutes both a challenge and an injunction: Leave no one behind! The GRFI (Filaha Innov Reflection Group), an Algerian think tank which has been debating food issues for around fifteen years now, considers that in the current global context, it is necessary to participate actively in the general mobilization taking place in Algeria. and in Africa around these questions.
If Africa is the cradle of humanity ; it will also be its future attic. Armed with this conviction, “The Panafrican Food Debate – Edition 2” invites, from October 29 to 31, 2024, all the stakeholders concerned, to a reflection that is both concerted and open on transversal concerns due to the very nature of the food issue. This continental-level meeting concerns committed citizens, farmers, ecologists, scientists, entrepreneurs, inventors, political figures but also inter-professional organizations, chambers of agriculture, multilateral, employer, socio-professional organizations or sophisticated companies. from chemistry, mechanical industries, ICT, mutual societies, investment funds, development funds, think tanks, etc. The food debate concerns each of us and goes beyond us in the same movement because it is both transcribed in our biology and inscribed in the human adventure that we lead individually and collectively.